Open Access Statement, License & Copyright

The Review of Socio-Economic Research and Development Studies (ReSERDS) is committed to provide free access of scholarly works. Full texts of published research articles are freely available and can be shared as long as proper citation and credit is used.

ReSERDS is an OPEN ACCESS journal that conforms to the definition of Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). All articles published in ReSERDS are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows users to copy, print, download, link to full texts and redistribute the published article in any medium or format, including commercial use, provided that the original authors and ReSERDS are appropriately credited and cited. The journal started publishing open access articles licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License since 2017.

ReSERDS allows authors to retain their copyright. This means that authors have the full control of their research work including the right to reuse, distribute and post in repositories. Authors can freely share their published articles in ReSERDS in any public repositories, libraries or websites. The authors grant ReSERDS the right of first publication. Authors are advised to check with their funder about the copyright requirements of public-funded projects.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.